I am Raluca Predescu, clinical psychologist, Systemic Psychotherapist that works with individuals, couples and families and astrological counselor
Above all, I am an introspective human being, who has always been searching for answers to life's questions, outcomes to situations faced over time and last but not least, that harmony and peace of the soul. I have found answers in several fields, but the two that have emerged the most in my life are Systemic Psychotherapy and Astrology.


Individual Psychotherapy

It helps you know yourself deeply, overcome your blockages, fears, find practical solutions to various problems you may face, improve the quality of life and transform yourself personally, emotionally, socially, professionally, spiritually.

Psihoterapie SISTEMICĂ individuală

Couples therapy

It helps you improve the relationship with your partner and provides practical solutions to various problems that may arise inside the couple.

Psihoterapie sistemică de cuplu

Family therapy

It helps you improve the relationship with your family members and provides practical solutions to various problems that may arise within the family.

Psihoterapie sistemică de FAMILIE

Group therapy

Different group programs for personal development and self-knowledge.

Psihoterapie de grup

Personal development and coaching

They help you understand yourself more deeply and solve certain situations that you face at a certain point in your life, for which you want clear and quick solutions.

Dezvoltare personală și coaching

Online therapy

Whether you choose individual or couple and family psychotherapy, online sessions offer you the benefit of remote connection and are suitable for people with an unpredictable schedule or who live in any corner of the world and cannot be physically present in the office.

Psihoterapie online

Life experiences have not always been gentle with me, but I have continued to understand their necessity, to integrate and heal them. I have been working a lot with myself, through individual therapy, group therapy and different meditation and mindfulness techniques, in order to understand myself deeply.

I love people, nature, the beauty and the complexity of this life. I aspire that the therapies that I offer will help souls that are eager to know themselves, to overcome their blockages and to be free, conscious and fulfilled.

The values that I am guided by and that I truly believe in are first and foremost the deep understanding of our own being and the freedom to choose consciously. I am here to accompany and guide you through these processes.

Raluca Predescu

Systemic Psychotherapy

We are responsible for all the internal psychological processes that we experience, but we are not living as separate individuals, but as a part of systems. Basically, we are born into a system, we are wounded inside the system and we also heal inside the system. However, the strongest and most important relationship we have is with ourselves. Only from here we can start the process of deep knowledge and awareness of the mechanisms that censor, block or hold us back.

Knowing the parts within ourselves, our own roles and the other parts inside of the system, these are just the first steps in understanding ourselves as conscious beings. In order for these to happen, I use the concepts, methods, tools and techniques of Systemic Psychotherapy.

Psihoterapia sistemică

We are not individuals living in isolation, our psychological processes are not related just to our individuality, but are always correlated with external events, which are only a reflection of our inner reality.

The benefit of Systemic Therapy is that it brings together all the parts of the system, for a better understanding of the symptom and the interactions of the parts within the system.

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