What is Astrology?

Astrology is a method of interpreting certain aspects related to human personality, actual life situations, aspirations, values, needs, beliefs, based on the birth chart and the astral configurations.

Etymologically, the name Astrology comes from the Greek words astron - which translates to star and logos - order, cosmic reason, mediating force, speech, manifestation. So Astrology represents the speech of the stars, the cosmic reason of the stars, or even the wisdom of the stars.

Astrology is wrongly placed, from a superficial point of view, in the same category as different types of predictions of the future, such as palmistry, coffee reading, tarot, and other similar ones.
But an authentic astrologer will never state absolute judgments, verdicts, will not make a diagnosis and will not limit the free will of the person who asks for an astrological consultation.

Although at first glance Astrology seems to do all of this, in reality it is a tool for knowledge, self-discovery and it helps finding answers to the questions, aspirations and situations that a person can face, it explains the causal nature of certain phenomena and states, their occurrence and it observes possible future tendencies according to the astral configurations of a certain time.

Speculation, theories without any basis, negative statements, forecasts as : "This will certainly happen at that time, that day ", any horoscopic evaluations are definitely not the methods of interpretation used here. It is not about "guessing in the stars," nor about assumptions, nor convincing anyone.

When and how can Astrology help us?

Astrology helps us first of all when we have questions: about ourselves, about our loved ones, about our relationships, about our potential, about our blockages, when we want to understand each other better or when we have questions that we could not find answers elsewhere.

As I like to say, the birth chart is a mirror of our soul, which allows us to see even beyond the material, conscious realm, it helps us discover different shades and even surprising solutions, which lead us towards knowing ourselves and our existence.

What is the astrological consultation all about? How is Astrology compatible with Psychology and Psychotherapy?

The astrological consultation is in itself a counseling or coaching session through which for one hour we can analyze and find answers to specific questions that the client has, from different areas of life: the relationship with a partner, family, children, career, money, etc., based on the personal birth chart or of the person’s that they want to know more information.

At the same time, as a result of this consultation, certain awareness may arise and the client may feel the need to integrate it more deeply, or certain significant events or life situations can come up in order to be healed.

At this point the client can make the transition to Psychotherapy, which is a longer process and involves more sessions, based on the motivations and goals set with the client. Astrology and Psychotherapy are not mutually exclusive, but can be used together or separately. In this regard, it is well known that C. G. Jung was one of the promoters of Psycho-Astrology, by using the birth chart of clients in his sessions and he even made certain correlations between aspects related to human personality and astrological configurations.

During the session we can address the following topics and analyze different areas of life:

Understanding and discovering our inner potential, our deepest needs, emotions, aspirations.
Compatibility, dynamic aspects, challenges and lessons we learn in our relationships.
Analysis of various health issues, problems with different organs and also how to become healthier.
Understanding children’s birth chart, their needs, gifts and talents.
How to improve the financial aspect, how to be prosperous.
The vocation and qualities we have in terms of our career.
Finding out certain predispositions based on planetary transits, for the present moment or in the near future.
What kind of spiritual practice suits us, what is Karma and Dharma, what are the karmic imprints and how to overcome them, how to fulfill our mission.


Natal chart

Înțelegerea, valorificarea potențialului nostru interior, a propriilor nevoi, emoții, înclinații și a anumitor blocaje
Understanding and discovering our inner potential, our deepest needs, emotions, aspirations.
Cum putem să îmbunătățim aspectul financiar, să fim prosperi.
How to improve the financial aspect, how to be prosperous.
Analiza diferitelor probleme de sănătate, sensibilități ale unor organe, dar și cum să ne menținem sănătoși.
Analysis of various health issues, problems with different organs and also how to become healthier.
Ce fel de practică spirituală mi se potriveste, care sunt condiționările subconștiente și cum să le depășesc, care este scopul, menirea mea.
What kind of spiritual practice suits us, what is karma and dharma, what are the karmic imprints and how to overcome them, how to fulfill our mission.
Vocația și calitățile pe care le avem din punct de vedere al carierei.
The vocation and qualities we have in terms of our career

Transits & Solar
Return chart

Aflarea anumitor predispoziții în funcție de tranzitele planetare, în prezent sau viitorul apropiat.
Finding out certain predispositions based on planetary transits, for the present moment or in the near future.
Relocarea în vederea schimbării Ascendentului din Revoluția Solară.
Relocation in order to change the ascendent of the solar return.
Direcțiile principale pentru noul an astrologic.
Main guidelines of the new astrological year.

synastry &
chart reading

Compatibilitatea, aspectele dinamice, lecțiile și provocările pe care le avem de depășit în cuplu, în relațiile cu ceilalți.
Compatibility, dynamic aspects, challenges and lessons we learn in our relationships.
Conștientizarea nevoilor noastre relaționale.
Understanding our relational needs.
Elemente practice pentru a îmbunătăți comunicarea în cuplu.
Practical keys to improve communication within a couple.



I am very grateful for the astrology session I had with Raluca. I felt very embraced. She helped me understand my being in a deeper way, bringing light to certain aspects I needed light upon and giving me keys to grow in a harmonious way. With her I could also nourish my curiosity and love for Astrology! Thank you sweet Raluca <3


When I reached out to Raluca, the world of Astrology was completely new to me. But Raluca gave me a very easy to understand overview of the matter. With her in-depth knowledge as well as her loving and kind nature I felt very comfortable to ask all sorts of questions. The insights that I was given were very helpful and extremely accurate. I would absolutely book another session with her and can warmly recommend Raluca to anyone who is searching for a trustworthy astrological reading.

Casper K.

Raluca is the best Astrologer I have met. She has helped me understand myself much better. I now understand much better how I can organize my daily activities so that my life unfolds more harmoniously. I can definitely recommend anybody to do sessions with her and actually many of my friends already have. They have all benefitted greatly from it and they are very satisfied with the sessions they have had with Raluca.

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