My Journey

The attraction towards understanding the human psyche and finding the answers to the essential questions of life arose in the early years of my adolescence, when I began to discover myself from different perspectives, with different shades, more or less pleasant.

“Where do I come from?”, “Where am I heading to?”, “For what purpose?”, “What are these sensations, feelings, intuitions that I’m experiencing?”, “What happens after I die?” were all unanswered questions.

And that's how my search began.

I have found answers in several fields: Science, Biology, Chemistry, Neuropsychology and even Astronomy, but nothing has fully satisfied my interest; I have always felt that something was missing, like a piece of a puzzle difficult to decipher. I have also felt an opening towards Occultism and the Divinatory Arts, that I began to study with great passion. I discovered Tarot, Numerology, Astrology, various meditative, visualizing, breathing and even magical practices. They all seemed extremely interesting to me and were starting to answer some of those questions that were lurking around for some time.

But my searches seemed to lack a leading light to help me integrate and choose the information that was truly valuable to my soul. After many attempts, awareness, delays and contradictions, at the age of 18 I started studying and practicing Yoga. At that moment I entered a new territory, a bit familiar, but only on the surface, a territory full of mysteries, but also of so much Grace. I started practicing every day Hatha Yoga, Laya Yoga and Meditation with different Godly Attributes.

Astrology remained somewhere in the background for a few years, but the aspiration to rediscover it blossomed in my heart again. The great revelation I had was the moment when I had my first consultation with my Astrology teacher and I came across with his Astrology school - Helios. I felt that I fully resonated with the traditional but also spiritual approach of Astrology, I immediately started his courses, I graduated all the modules and I started to really practice it: first on myself, on my Natal chart, then on the charts of those close to me.

I practically got to the point where I discovered that leading light that I followed precisely, that piece of the puzzle that I hadn’t found before and together they formed a complete, holistic vision: a spiritual but also a psychological approach, encompassing the fascinating human psyche, the human being, from its origins, to the point where it is heading, to fulfill the purpose of its journey.

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