The Language of the Stars

The Language of the Stars

How to better understand Astrology

For a better understanding of Astrology and how it works, it is important to know the elements that are used in interpretation and their meanings.

1. The Elements - the 5 elements - earth, water, air, fire plus ether are the very basis of Astrology. Known and interpreted in different traditions over time, they have a deeper meaning. The elements are the foundation, the source from which each zodiac sign takes its qualities, energy and direction of manifestation.

2. The Planets – the 7 personal and 3 transpersonal planets– associated with a certain vibration, describing different tendencies and human characteristics.

3. The zodiac signs - the 12 zodiac signs - represent and describe specific qualities of experience. Each zodiac sign has a ruling planet, an element, a polarity, a mode associated with it.

4. Modes - the 3 modes - cardinal, fixed, mutable - show the characteristics and ways in which energy is modulated.

5. Houses – represent the areas through which the energies of the signs and planets operate.

6. Aspects – the interactions that form between planets and signs.

Clinical psychologist, couple and family systemic psychotherapist and astrotherapist.

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